Mini Break

Leaf on Snow photograph by fallenpeach on Etsy

This past week my laptop was off in the shop getting looked at and I’ve been half-unplugged and half glued to my smart phone. I should be back with my March Meetup post on Monday and then back on track from there. I’m also looking at the past two months of using an editorial calendar and will be writing a “how I did” type of post with some ideas for making the editorial calendar work better for me.

In the meantime, how is everyone? Ready for Spring? I sure am.

February Meetup Goals Update

Winter Walk photograph by fallenpeach

It shouldn’t surprise me that February is just about half over. But it does. I’m getting there on my goals, but not quite all the way.

Blogging – I’ve been doing fairly good keeping up with blogging – right?

Etsy Shop – there’s a new banner in our Etsy shop and I have plans for a few other small changes.

New Products – I have a few ideas, but haven’t actually gotten to work on any of them …

and as for the rest … not even started.

Winter is hard for me. I make a lot of plans, but the cold and dark and ridiculous amount of snow storms tend to keep me down. HOWEVER. This weekend I did accomplish something pretty big for me – I have finished 2013 in my Project Life book. Next session I’m hoping to catch up entirely so that I’m never that far behind again.

Also, I feel like February has become really good for IDEAS. Not necessarily implementing them, but for writing them down and getting ready for March.

How are you doing on your goals?

Friday Photo: Instagramming about Narnia

Narnia Exists Winter Instagram photo by fallenpeach

I don’t know about you, but we’ve been getting quite a bit of snow this winter. Mostly it has been in small dustings, but this past week there was a lot more snow falling and staying around. I discovered Narnia outside my apartment complex but didn’t have time to explore that day, maybe this weekend.

What are your plans this weekend? Are you tired of the snow or still enjoying it?

Photo Friday: Connecticut’s Winter Fog

Connecticut Winter Fog photograph by fallenpeach

Happy Friday everyone! This is pretty much what I saw when I walked out my door every day this week. Gorgeous isn’t it? We are having the weirdest winter but I am not yet complaining. I hate the cold, so lately this 30 – 40 degree weather has been wonderful compared to that week of negatives we had!

I’m planning on working on personal projects this weekend like Project Life and then maybe a little logo work for ourselves. How about you?

Ice Photos and Goals for January 1st

ice on window photo by fallenpeach

Hello, dear blog readers! I just wanted to pop in and let you know that come JANUARY 1ST I WILL be back to blogging regularly. I am hard at work with Christmas gifts, personal projects, and getting ready for being back on track in 2014 right now, but I’m ready for January and being back here more often.

This past weekend I spent some time making an editorial calendar for January and sorting out which projects are taking priority. Because, oh yes, I have tons of projects in my head and on paper. Even some fantastic new ones I can’t wait to tell you about.

While you are waiting (patiently, I hope!) though, don’t forget that I’m on twitter rather frequently – @fallenpeach

I’m also on Instagram with my 30 Days of Lists posts and other random photos. I’m even posting an ornament a day from yesterday through Christmas.

I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday season, see you January 1st!

Winter, Spring, Productivity and Laziness

57 Degrees photograph by fallenpeach

March has been a rough month for me. I’ve been up, down, all over the place and the weather certainly is not helping. The above photograph is from March 9 and it reads 57 Degrees. Spring weather. Today, my phone tells me to expect 37 degrees with rain and snow mixed.

I tend to get the winter blues, and by this time of year I’m usually itching for Spring in a bad way. And usually, Spring is here. This year, however, the blues have gone on a little too long and my brain is confused. Part of me is productive (I’ve accomplished maybe four and a half things on my meetup goals), but day to day it’s been hard to get things done. It doesn’t make it any easier working a 9 – 5 and trying to cram in all of my family time, fallenpeach time and relaxation time into two measly weekend days.

FOCUS. My word that I’ve been trying to use this year. I tried to focus on one thing per day. But then, one day, I didn’t get anything done and everything spiraled in to the next day, and the next day until I had three or four things to do by Friday. Quiet honestly, if the weather keeps going like this I may have to FOCUS on one thing per WEEK instead of per DAY. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but it means that it will take me longer to get the places I need to be.

As for the things I have accomplished, I’m proud of them. I’ll talk about it more next week, but I’ve gotten some really good things started or finished. And this week is starting out great, so who knows I might get a lot more done before April! More positive thoughts are that the 10 day forcast tells me the weather WILL get warmer. Soon I WILL be able to open the window and let in some fresh air. I will be able to do some Spring Cleaning and see the sun.

So, in conclusion of this rambly post, Here’s to the Last Week of March. May it bring Sun and Productivity to us all!

How do you get over the Winter Blues ? How are you doing this year?

Choose Your Adventure: NYC Edition with Photos

choose your adventure from fallenpeach

Last weekend we visited family in New York City and, although it was a touch cold, we had a lot of fun wandering the city, taking photos and enjoying some delicious food. Here are some of our adventures (and some photographs to go with them) and suggestions for you to take the next time you need something to do in New York:

– Saturday we brunched at the Jackson Hole Diner in Queens. Food was delicious and plentiful. Go hungry!

jackson hole diner queens new york photograph by fallenpeach

– That afternoon we walked the High Line in Chelsea, it snowed a bit on us but was beautiful and very worth it. The High Line is a park that was / is being developed from elevated railroad tracks in New York City. There are a lot of different plants and some gorgeous views of the city. It was fairly crowded on a cold day in March, so I’m sure it will be more crowded in Summer – but I’d still love to go back and see it a little more green.

high line new york city photograph by fallenpeach

– Lunch for Matt and myself was Sarita’s Macaroni & Cheese (S’Mac for short) and it was so incredibly awesome. I’ve been wanting to eat there for years and finally decided to push for it this trip! I had the two cheese and Matt had the Buffalo Chicken Mac & Cheese and we were both incredibly happy with our choices. I highly recommend a stop at S’Mac next time you are in NY. They have four different sizes to choose from, which makes it great for snacks, sharing or a full meal.

S'Mac NYC photograph by fallenpeach

– Dessert was cupcakes from the delicious and amazing Sugar Sweet Sunshine. I personally love love love their Lemon cupcakes, just the right amount of lemon! (too busy enjoying the cupcakes to photograph!)

– Sunday we went to Times Square with the intention of getting show tickets through TKTS, but the bitter cold changed our minds. Instead we stopped into the Times Square warming center and saw THE BALL.

time square new years ball photograph by fallenpeach

Then hopped the subway to Central Park to pay a visit to Strawberry Fields – the tribute to John Lennon. We stopped at Shake Shack for some delicious food before heading back to Queens and out of the cold.

More photos will be appearing on the blog over the next couple weeks, but I hope you have enjoyed this set of adventure suggestions and photos from our trip to New York City!